Men’s Styling

(Course Ref: UBA-MS-00872020)



The 1.5 days intensive Men’s fashion apparel course will enable learners to understand the basic knowledge of men’s fashion and also how to select the right apparel complementing the different men’s body shapes with the right choice of fabrics. Learners will have an insight of :

  • Understand the men’s apparel products and the different types of men’s Fashion apparel in retail.
  • The types, range of apparel for men offered in the market.
  • Common types and characteristics of fibers used in men’s apparels.
  • The understanding of men’s body shapes, measurements procedures in apparel.
  • The characteristics of patterns, types/seasons, colors shapes, lines used in men’s apparel.
  • Selection of appropriate apparel and complimentary or peripheral products to meet body shape and personality requirements.
1.5 days (with 2 zoom sessions)

Learning Outcomes of participants

Learning Outcomes of participants

At the end of the 1.5 workshop, learners will be equipped with a basic understanding of fashion apparel products and recommendation techniques to achieve a desirable image for the respective body shapes and personalities. Learners will be able to :  

  • Identify body shapes, suitability of patterns/fabrics for the different body shapes in menswear.
  • Understand the types, range and characteristics of fibres to recommend the apparel the different men’s personalities and body shapes.
  • Appropriate men’s fashion accessories to complement the body shape to enhance their professional image.